HeartWell Fall 2022

The HeartWell Institute's mission is to foster collective healing through mindfulness and contemplative practices. We have a two-pronged approach; first, we focus on building resilience for BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and those underrepresented in our society by breaking down barriers of access to health and wellness. Second, we are committed to supporting the health and wellness of mental health providers, educators, and our whole community.
MBSR begins with a sense of wanting to live in a way that incorporates key aspects of mindfulness, presence, awareness, and a sense of being in touch with oneself. Through the regular training in mindfulness that an MBSR course offers, participants become familiar with their own behavior patterns, especially in relation to stressful situations.
Enmarcado en el contexto de la medicina cuerpo/mente integrativa, el programa de Reducción de Estrés Basado en Mindfulness o MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) es una intervención científicamente validada para prevenir y enfrentar los síntomas de estrés y ansiedad mediante el desarrollo de habilidades mindfulness o de atención plena.
Mindfulness as a Catalyst for Equity and Collective Healing strives to inspire individuals to become agents for social change by using trauma-informed relational mindfulness practices infused by frameworks of psychosocial and cultural competency.
The HeartWell Institute was recognized as the Heart of Worcester at Polar Park
Dont forget to register for our Monthly Meditations! This month we will be covering "Taking in the Good" taught by Emily Marsick. We invite you to dress comfortably and bring socks and a journal. There will be opportunities for meditation practice, reflective writing, and sharing.